Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day

Sorry I have not blogged in a while. There has been a lot going on. Today is Valentines Day and I am writing a blog :). I was never a really big fan of Valentines day. The first Valentines day I received something was in tenth grade from an old boyfriend. The next year I received some flowers from my boyfriend at the time. In my senior year my husband got me a stuffed animal, chocolate, roses, and an ad in the newspaper. Since then we have not done much I have received some flowers and some pajama grams. Now it was sweet but anyone who knows me knows that I really do not care for romance. So this Valentines I did not receive any flowers or cards. I had to cook my own dinner and there was no special things done today. I went to weight watchers which confirmed that I am still on a plateau of only losing 40 pounds, went to subway, went to the library, went grocery shopping, and came home to cook. Now I am writing a blog and Steve is reading a book. Yesterday we went to Applebee's and went to the movies and watched Mall Cop. It was a funny movie.

On Wednesday this week I learned we were selling Valentine Grams for March of Dimes and since I am on the Volunteer committee for Community Projects I decided to sale 200 of them. I ddi not start sooner because honestly I was down in the dumps about the closing of the call center. Well in 1 day I sold 228 Balloon Grams. I was very happy about this since they only had 500 grams to sale and there was 7 more people selling grams. My BFF helped me sale when I was in meetings. So we raised $321.75 for March of Dimes.

Well that was my week in a nut shell. Happy Valentines Day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Went Hiking

This weekend was pretty fun. On Friday Steve and I went out to dinner. We went to Famous Daves. It is a really good BBq place. Then we went to Wal-Mart. I bought some new work-out closes and we bought some dried goods for our hike the next morning.
The next morning we woke up around 7:00 and got prepared for our hike. We hike Rattlesnake ledge. It is a 1300 ft gain in a mile and a half. We sat at the top for about 30 minutes and since we felt good we decided to go on up to the second point. We hiked to a second lookout that was about 200 more feet up and looked down to where we were before. This was scary to get out of because if we slipped at all we would fall to our death. We rocked climbed out to the edge and got back safely. I wish I would have taken a picture of us doing it but as you can imagine I was holding on for dear life. Once I got out to the ledge I did take some pictures. We had a great time and the hikes are getting much easier. I wasn't even tired when we hit the top. When we got back down we decided to go check out some waterfalls in the area. By that time the hike hit in and we were too tired to hike to the bottom of the falls. Overall it was a good weekend and I slept a lot on Sunday.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wasted Saturday

Woke up with an ambition to change my destiny. I shaved my legs, did my makeup and hair, put on my black dress, and wore my nicest heels. I drove 40 minutes to a job fair in the hopes to find some oppurtunites. I walk in with my friend who seems to know everyone. Immediately I feel out of place as I see no one else is dressed up. I have 10 copies of my resume in my hand and ready to make an oppurtunity. I am disappointed to learn that all the jobs at the job fair are all blue collar jobs. There is nothing wrong with "blue collar" jobs it is just not what I am looking for. I try to talk to them about adminstrative jobs but soon learn that there are no jobs. I then find a booth with oppurtunities for me but as I try to hand them my resume they give me a link to I can not believe that I wasted an entire Saturday just to get a web site address that I already knew about. No new contacts or new hope. My friend finds two jobs that are perfect to her. As she is talking to the recruiter I excuss myself to the car. I wait about 40 minutes for her to return. As I am waiting I call Charlie and find out that his son did get out of the hospital but the other one went in. They are going through so much and I feel so bad for them.

Once I return home it is time to go grocery shopping and that ends my Saturday.

A good day after all

I woke up Friday in a good mood but it soon turned south. I woke up for a jog and before I left I had some unfinished business to take care of. It did not turn out good and I was upset with Steve for not taking care of something I have been begging him to do for months. I left for my "go nowhere" job and the day just got worse. I hate that place sometimes all of my peers and my boss always want to correct me on something. So I walk into work and all the managers are dressed stupid. So I got coached immediately for not being a team player because I did not have a custom on. My friend did my hair all crazy with a green pom pom and we took a blue tablecloth a black and white scarf and leis to make me look crazy. It is suppose to motivate people but I hate doing it some days. So I did it and was deemed a team player. Hopefully I can find a job where I am seen as a professional. Don't get it twisted I love to have fun but there are limits. After that was done I gave someone a ride home from work and finnally my day was over. I was ready to just get home and drink some wine coolers.

I shared with Steve that I just did not see any point any more and that I am very depressed about everything going on. So when I get home Steve has cleaned the house and cooked dinner. It was very sweet. It made my day. He rarely does things like this and it was really nice. He made salad, bread, and beef and noodles. I appreciated the dinner so much.