Monday, February 2, 2009

Wasted Saturday

Woke up with an ambition to change my destiny. I shaved my legs, did my makeup and hair, put on my black dress, and wore my nicest heels. I drove 40 minutes to a job fair in the hopes to find some oppurtunites. I walk in with my friend who seems to know everyone. Immediately I feel out of place as I see no one else is dressed up. I have 10 copies of my resume in my hand and ready to make an oppurtunity. I am disappointed to learn that all the jobs at the job fair are all blue collar jobs. There is nothing wrong with "blue collar" jobs it is just not what I am looking for. I try to talk to them about adminstrative jobs but soon learn that there are no jobs. I then find a booth with oppurtunities for me but as I try to hand them my resume they give me a link to I can not believe that I wasted an entire Saturday just to get a web site address that I already knew about. No new contacts or new hope. My friend finds two jobs that are perfect to her. As she is talking to the recruiter I excuss myself to the car. I wait about 40 minutes for her to return. As I am waiting I call Charlie and find out that his son did get out of the hospital but the other one went in. They are going through so much and I feel so bad for them.

Once I return home it is time to go grocery shopping and that ends my Saturday.