Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day

Sorry I have not blogged in a while. There has been a lot going on. Today is Valentines Day and I am writing a blog :). I was never a really big fan of Valentines day. The first Valentines day I received something was in tenth grade from an old boyfriend. The next year I received some flowers from my boyfriend at the time. In my senior year my husband got me a stuffed animal, chocolate, roses, and an ad in the newspaper. Since then we have not done much I have received some flowers and some pajama grams. Now it was sweet but anyone who knows me knows that I really do not care for romance. So this Valentines I did not receive any flowers or cards. I had to cook my own dinner and there was no special things done today. I went to weight watchers which confirmed that I am still on a plateau of only losing 40 pounds, went to subway, went to the library, went grocery shopping, and came home to cook. Now I am writing a blog and Steve is reading a book. Yesterday we went to Applebee's and went to the movies and watched Mall Cop. It was a funny movie.

On Wednesday this week I learned we were selling Valentine Grams for March of Dimes and since I am on the Volunteer committee for Community Projects I decided to sale 200 of them. I ddi not start sooner because honestly I was down in the dumps about the closing of the call center. Well in 1 day I sold 228 Balloon Grams. I was very happy about this since they only had 500 grams to sale and there was 7 more people selling grams. My BFF helped me sale when I was in meetings. So we raised $321.75 for March of Dimes.

Well that was my week in a nut shell. Happy Valentines Day.