Sunday, December 28, 2008

Rockwealth Ministries

Everyone who knows me knows I am a VERY "spiritual" person. I was raised Christian. I have studied all the religions in the world. In a desire to overcome the knowledge and questions I learned in Christianity I became Mormon for about three years. Luckily after many nights of crying my eyes out because my questions did not stop in my head to just have "faith." I felt like a failure and that I was damned to hell. Through meditation, prayer, and dream work I am now very comfortable in my beliefs and Christ. As I was flipping through the channels today I saw a minister named Dr. Coontz. I was shocked to hear his speech.

Basically he said that if you send a $100 to his organization that you will be out of debt.....REALLY! Check out this site It is very disturbing because I know people who are poor and Christian will feel like if they do not donate they deserve to be poor because they did not have enough "faith" to donate the money they do not have. Although I do not believe in the literal interruptation of the bible. I am just curious why this Christian DOCTOR does not go by the word he claims to speak of. Let's go to the story of the widow who gave her last penny.

"41(BT) And he sat down opposite(BU) the treasury and watched the people(BV) putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. 42And a poor widow came and put in two(BW) small copper coins, which make a penny.[f] 43And he called his disciples to him and said to them, "Truly, I say to you,(BX) this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. 44For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her(BY) poverty has put in everything she had, all(BZ) she had to live on."

Jesus was not impressed by the amount yet that she gave what she could. So why is this DOCTOR asking for a specific amount. I am concerned with this doctor preaching to the masses and making promises God is the only one powerful enough to promise me anything.

My parents fell in to a similar trap and I am still waiting for it to come true for them..... that was 15 years ago and they both are dead now. I guess they did not have enough faith. Please tell everyone you know God loves them and they can not buy his love.


buffalogal said...

OMGoodness!!! That "Minister" sickens use people like that is awful from any religious standpoint....although it does not help the innocent ones who happen to fall prey to evil people like that, the justice in the long run is that he will definately spend eternity in HELL burning and in pain being reminded every second of his afterlife of what he did and who he hurt!!